
Quiz Easy 10


Quiz Easy 10

1 / 20

Process of removal of undigested food from body is known as

2 / 20

.------ occurs when 1 of these sperm combines with the egg to become embryo, and the other sperm combines with me central nuclei, and becomes the bell of the growing seeds

3 / 20

Parthenocarpic tomato fruits can be produced by

4 / 20

Hydrolysis of polypeptides result in

5 / 20

Ovule is straight with funiculus, embryo sac, chalaza and micropyle lying on one straight line. It is

6 / 20

Unicellular, colonia or simple multicellular organisms that posses eukarotic cell organization are called

7 / 20

In TCA cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle, which is first formed

8 / 20

Stomach in ruminants is divisible into many chambers these are

9 / 20

Thitd whorl in flower is of

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11 / 20

Names of liver lobes in rabbit are

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Which one of the following represents an ovule, where the embryo sac becomes home-shoe shaped and the funiculus and micropyle are close to each other?

13 / 20

Organ of locomotion in bacteria is

14 / 20

Protists have evolved from

15 / 20

Serological study for prevalence of Hepatitis B is best done by

16 / 20

A flower consists of which of the following

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Vermiform appendix is a part of:

18 / 20

Which one of the following plants gives palmarosa oil ?

19 / 20

Certain viruses have been isolated in crytalline form and have been found to be

20 / 20

Interferon is?

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