Quiz Easy 8 Categories Quizzes 0 Quiz Easy 8 1 / 20 Adrenaline used for controlling of bleeding during surgery may result in Cardiac arrhythmias Precipitation of allergic reaction Syncope Drastic fall in blood pressure 2 / 20 Which organ of body is affected by Cirrhosis? lungs liver spleen joints 3 / 20 Leukemia is a type of cancer in which there is an abnormal increase in the number of platelets red blood cells bone cells white blood cells 4 / 20 The fact that oxygen released during photposynthesis comes from water was hypothesized by Melvin Calvin Engleman Van Neil Hans Krebs 5 / 20 In the adrenal gland, androgens are produced by the cells in the Zona reticularis Medulla Zona glornerulosa Zona fasciculata 6 / 20 What is used as biofertilizer? bagasse urea ammonia azolla 7 / 20 Recurrent herpes occurs due to None of the above Virus in oral mucosa Latent virus in nerve ganglia Latent virus is skin supplying the area 8 / 20 Bone marrow stem cells differ from differ from differentiated progenitor stem cells in what respect ? Act as a repair system for the body Provide differentiated terminal cells Formation of the ovum Reconstitution of Bone marrow 9 / 20 The deficiency of this micronutrient results in little leaf disease boron zinc Copper iron 10 / 20 In granuloma, epithelial and giant cells are monocyte T cells plasma ceel B cells 11 / 20 Which type of malaria is usually fatal? Placental malaria Cerebral malana Severe malaria All of these 12 / 20 Trismus is due to infection by. Diphtheria Staphylococci Clostridium Tetani Streptococci 13 / 20 Which human gland does secret growth hormone Liver Thalamus Pancreas Pituitary gland 14 / 20 A sequence of about 20 bases that are complementary to the bases on either side of the target DNA is Codon Polypeptide chain Primers Plasmids 15 / 20 Which organ of human body is affected by Conjunctivitis disease? heart skin eyes brain 16 / 20 The dark reaction in photosynthesis is limited by oxygen, water and temperature CO2 light and water water, temperature and CO2 CO2, temperature and light 17 / 20 What is the incubation period for mumps? 4 to 6 weeks 4 to 5 days 1 to 3 months 12 to 25 days 18 / 20 Classification of insects and rules of their nomenclature comes under the branch Taxonomy Morphology Physiology Ecology 19 / 20 Lymphocytosis is seen in: Fungal infections Bacterial infections Viral infections Protozoal infections 20 / 20 Which statement is incorrect? Northern coniferous forests are called Taiga Average rainfall in temperature deciduous forests is 750-1500mm Coniferous forests located at high latitude are alpine Temperature of coniferous alpine and boreal forests is upto 10 degrees Your score is Share: Quiz Dad Previous post Quiz Easy 7 October 1, 2022 Next post Quiz Easy 9 October 1, 2022 You may also like Quiz Hard 5 1 October, 2022 Quiz Hard 4 1 October, 2022 Quiz Hard 3 1 October, 2022