Quiz Easy 9 Categories Quizzes 0 Quiz Easy 9 1 / 20 The pancrease produces enzymes which digest which of the following? Fats All of these Carbohydrates Proteins 2 / 20 Which of the following is inclusion of cytoplasm endoplasmic reticulum glycogen ribosome golgi body 3 / 20 Transgenic bacteria are produced in large vats called Biomultiplier Transducer Bioreactor Culture media 4 / 20 Which of the followings is used to create lesser number of copies within laboratory test tube? Gene cloning Polymerase chain reaction Recombinant DNA technology Gene therapy 5 / 20 Panting is representative of which mechanism Excretion Evaporative cooling Pigmentation Respiration 6 / 20 Which of the following fishes excrete large volume of diluted urine? Fresh water fishes Bony Marine fishes Both depending upon the surrounding water None of these 7 / 20 Which of the following is a natural cytokinin zeatin 6-isopentanyl aenine isopentanyl adenine 6-amino purine 8 / 20 Which one of the following would give the highest energy per gram vitamins glucose fats protein 9 / 20 The name "restriction endonucleases is because They restrict their action to a particular gene only These are used by bacteria for protection against viruses They restrict the growth of viruses They are used to chemically synthesize genes 10 / 20 mutation in the oxidative enzymes could lead to Gauchers disease zellweger's syndrome epidermolysis bullosa lebers nueropathy 11 / 20 normal serum alkaline phosphate level is 100-400 boundary units 1-4 boundary units 0.1-0.4 boundary units 1000-4000 boundary units 12 / 20 Genetic dwarfism can be nullified by spraying with zeatin cytokinin gibberrellin auxin 13 / 20 Collagen is rich in glutamate and glycine proline and glycine glutamate and proline alanine and glycine 14 / 20 Malphighian tubules absorb waste materials and salts from Lymph Hemolymph Gut Blood 15 / 20 deficiency of Vtamin A causes the following except myopia night blindness corneal dryness bitots spots 16 / 20 the major lipids that makeup the cellmembrane are: fatty acids phospholipids sphingomyelins Triglycerides 17 / 20 Recombinant DNA technology is used to produce bacteria that reproduce in large vats called Bioindicators Biofilters TraTransgenic bacteria Bioreactors 18 / 20 Which of the following means can be used to insert genes into eggs of animals? By vortex mixing By hand All these By plasmids 19 / 20 Iron is complexed in haemoglobin to isoleucine histidine valine leucine 20 / 20 Some transgenic bacteria produce a dipeptide sweetener called Ultrasweet Neutrasweet Disweet Monosweet Your score is Share: Quiz Dad Previous post Quiz Easy 8 October 1, 2022 Next post Quiz Easy 10 October 1, 2022 You may also like Quiz Hard 5 1 October, 2022 Quiz Hard 4 1 October, 2022 Quiz Hard 3 1 October, 2022