Quiz Hard 2 Categories Quizzes 0 Quiz Hard 2 1 / 30 The one in which the acceptor atom is of low positive charge. large size and has several outer electrons which can be easily excited is a hard base soft acid soft base hard acid 2 / 30 Synthetic silk known as viscose rayon is None of these Regenerated Cellulose Regenerated strach Cellulose nitrate 3 / 30 purpose of sizing is? to increase toward water to increase the strength to improve the bursting strength to remove wastes to improve formation 4 / 30 Given: A + 3B -----2C + D This reaction is first order with respect to reactant A and second order with respect to reactant B. If the concentration of A is doubled and the concentration of B is halved, the rate of the reaction would by a factor of Increase, 2 not change Decrease 4 Decrease. 2 Increase, 4 5 / 30 Which of the following is not a form of cellulose Silk Jute Hemp Cotton 6 / 30 Which of the following factor is involved in band boarding that occurs in column chromatography? in phase mass transfer Molecular diffusion Eddy diffusion all these Number of theoretical plates 7 / 30 What prefix in steel identification means composition varies from normal limits? H E X B F 8 / 30 Hydrolysis of protiens gives α-amino acids β-amino acids Amixture of all of these γ-amino acids 9 / 30 The oxidation number of Mn in KMnO4 is 6 7 5 4 3 10 / 30 what ASTM teat for shear strength is designated for plastics? D638 D695 D732 D790 D456 11 / 30 A mixture of week acid and its salt is Alkaline buffer all these acidic buffer neutral buffer 12 / 30 Relative order of acidity of oxy acid HCIO> HClO2>HClO3>HClO4 HCIO> HClO2>HClO3>HClO4 HCIO2> HClO4>HClO3>HClO HCIO3> HClO2>HClO>HClO4 13 / 30 The common oxidation state of lanthanides is? 2 3 1 4 14 / 30 The isoelectric point of a protien or amino acid is pH at which the concentration of cation is greater than amino acid pH at which it doesnot have net charge and doesnot migrate in magenetic feild pH at which the concentration of amino acid is greater than cation pH at which it doesnot have any charge. 15 / 30 The hybridization of S in SO2 is sp2 dsp2 sp sp3 16 / 30 What is a coal that has been previously burned in an oxygen-poor environment? tuyere coke diamond hematite silver 17 / 30 Which of the following is the most abundant alkaline earth metal? Be Mg Ca Sr 18 / 30 Which of the following statements is not related with the advantages of TLC? Fluorescence can be introduced Different detectors can be used The thickness of adsorbent can be varied The method is rapid A variety of adsorbents can be used 19 / 30 Variable actions states is shown by transition elements non-metallic elements metallic elements normal elements 20 / 30 Which sequence of steps is correct in paper inking machine? DryIng. Pressing. Flow spreader. Calender stock none Flow spreader. Pressing, Prying, calender stock A Pressing, Drying. Flow spreader, Calender stock Calender stock, flow spreader, prying, preasing 21 / 30 What is the effect of aluminium in cast iron? To reduce hardness by combining with sulfur below 0.5% to increase hardness above 0.5% both A and b To affect machinability, ductility. and shrinkage depending on form to dioxide molten cast iron 22 / 30 In extraction of iron, the furnace charge consist of iron ore, coke and limestone. The function of limestone act as slag an oxidation agent flux a reducng agent 23 / 30 Hydrogen at the moment of its generation (newly bornhydrogen) is generally called Protium Nascent hydrogen Atomic hydrogen Heavy hydrogen. 24 / 30 When steam is passed over red hole The products formed Ware Mixture of hydrogen and oxygen Mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide Heavy hydrogen Hydrogen and carbon dioxide 25 / 30 Boiling points of hydrides of group 16 increase in the order H2O > H2S > H2Se > H2Te H2S > H2Te > H2Se > H20 H2O > H2Te > H2Se > H2S H2S > H2Se > H2Te >.H20 26 / 30 Which of the following is incorrect? H2O2 is a planar molecule H2O2 acts both an oxidising as well as reducing agent in acidic medium Heavy water is produced by the exhaustive electrolysis of water made acidic Water is more polar than H2S 27 / 30 Which isotope of hydrogen is/are radioactive in nature? Tritium only Only deuterium Tritium and deuterium Protium and deuterium 28 / 30 What is the purpose of molybdenum in steel alloying? To increase corrosion and resistance To reduce brittleness. combine with sulfur all of the above To increase dynamic and high-temperature strength and hardness To increase brittleness 29 / 30 Which of the following has maximum number of unpaired electrons? Fe3+ Fe2+ Co2+ Co3+ 30 / 30 According to systematic nomenclature which hydrogen compound is sulphane? HF SF4 SiH4 H2S Your score is Share: Quiz Dad Previous post Quiz Hard 1 October 1, 2022 Next post Quiz Hard 3 October 1, 2022 You may also like Quiz Hard 5 1 October, 2022 Quiz Hard 4 1 October, 2022 Quiz Hard 3 1 October, 2022