
Quiz Hard 2


Quiz Hard 2

1 / 30

The one in which the acceptor atom is of low positive charge. large size and has several outer electrons which can be easily excited is a

2 / 30

Synthetic silk known as viscose rayon is

3 / 30

purpose of sizing is?

4 / 30

Given: A + 3B -----2C + D This reaction is first order with respect to reactant A and second order with respect to reactant B. If the concentration of A is doubled and the concentration of B is halved, the rate of the reaction would by a factor of

5 / 30

Which of the following is not a form of cellulose

6 / 30

Which of the following factor is involved in band boarding that occurs in column chromatography?

7 / 30

What prefix in steel identification means composition varies from normal limits?

8 / 30

Hydrolysis of protiens gives

9 / 30

The oxidation number of Mn in KMnO4 is

10 / 30

what ASTM teat for shear strength is designated for plastics?

11 / 30

A mixture of week acid and its salt is

12 / 30

Relative order of acidity of oxy acid

13 / 30

The common oxidation state of lanthanides is?

14 / 30

The isoelectric point of a protien or amino acid is

15 / 30

The hybridization of S in SO2 is

16 / 30

What is a coal that has been previously burned in an oxygen-poor environment?

17 / 30

Which of the following is the most abundant alkaline earth metal?

18 / 30

Which of the following statements is not related with the advantages of TLC?

19 / 30

Variable actions states is shown by

20 / 30

Which sequence of steps is correct in paper inking machine?

21 / 30

What is the effect of aluminium in cast iron?

22 / 30

In extraction of iron, the furnace charge consist of iron ore, coke and limestone. The function of limestone act as

23 / 30

Hydrogen at the moment of its generation (newly bornhydrogen) is generally called

24 / 30

When steam is passed over red hole The products formed Ware

25 / 30

Boiling points of hydrides of group 16 increase in the order

26 / 30

Which of the following is incorrect?

27 / 30

Which isotope of hydrogen is/are radioactive in nature?

28 / 30

What is the purpose of molybdenum in steel alloying?

29 / 30

Which of the following has maximum number of unpaired electrons?

30 / 30

According to systematic nomenclature which hydrogen compound is sulphane?

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