
Quiz Easy 2


Quiz Easy 2

General Knowledge Easy Stage 2

1 / 10

The religion of Banu Quraizah was

2 / 10

When Vernacular Press Act passed?

3 / 10

Who first discovered the sea-route to the Sub-continent?

4 / 10

Besides Hazrat Haleema (R.A.), Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said that ____ is also my mother.

5 / 10

What does mean by the word Dyarchy?

6 / 10

On 27th Rajab, ___ Nabvi the event of Miraj took place.

7 / 10

In Indian Council Act of 1891, maximum number of members of the central legislative council was raised to

8 / 10

The Doctrine of 'Passive Resistance’ was propounded first by

9 / 10

What is the name of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)'s mother?

10 / 10

Prophet (S.A.W.) recited surah ____ at the conquest of Makkah

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