
Quiz Easy 5


Quiz Easy 5

1 / 10

The study of the mechanical, physical, and biochemical functions of plants is called what?

2 / 10

Knee jerk phenomenon is a

3 / 10

Mammals are

4 / 10

In urecotelic animals, urea are removed by

5 / 10

Which of the European nations came first to South Asia?

6 / 10

The function of haemoglobin in the body is

7 / 10

This is called blessed herb, clove root, colewort, golden star, harefoot, and star of the earth. What is it?

8 / 10

The part of plant is rich in carbohydrates?

9 / 10

What was the name of Raja Dahir’s capital city?

10 / 10

What is the name of first successful cloned deer ?

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