
Quiz Easy 6


Quiz Easy 6

1 / 20

The book in which Darwin first outlined his theory of evolution was titled

2 / 20

Death rate of two countries is compared by:

3 / 20

Name the son of Bahlol Lodhi who conquered Bihar and Western Bengal

4 / 20

Quantitative research uses which of the following approaches?

5 / 20

Where the tomb of Jahangir is situated?

6 / 20

When first census was 19414 conducted subcontinent?

7 / 20

Who coined the term evolution?

8 / 20

A species that is in imminent danger of extinction throughout its range is:

9 / 20

When Punjab was annexed, Dalip Singh, the minor son of Ranjit Singh, and his mother, Rani Jindan were pensioned off and sent to

10 / 20

Who played a crucial role in the final victory of Shahu over the Mughuls by winning over almost all the Marathas Sardas to the side of Shahu

11 / 20

According to Darwin, the species found on earth today

12 / 20

In which year Shivaji was born?

13 / 20

What was the most important experiment undertaken by the Alauddin

14 / 20

Shahab-ud-Din Ghuri established the Muslim rule in

15 / 20

The elaborate tail plumage of peacocks was developed through what type of selection?

16 / 20

Which of the following is NOT a problem commonly found in hybrid offspring?

17 / 20

Which Guru introduced Babtized the Sikhs and created Khalsa?

18 / 20

Which Guru compiled the Ahdhi Guru Granth Sahib?

19 / 20

During the reign of Mehmud Ghazni, Lahore was able called:

20 / 20

The first published completed gene sequence was of

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