
Quiz Hard 3


Quiz Hard 3

1 / 30

Which of the following molecule is not symmetric top?

2 / 30

Chlorination of benzene with excess chlorine in the presence of FeCl3 as Lewis acid gives

3 / 30

The large increase in the rate of a reaction on rise in the temperature is due to

4 / 30

which of the followimng statement about molarity is not correct?

5 / 30

The value of molar extinction coefficient

6 / 30

An element with atomic number 82 belongs to group

7 / 30

Monomer of natural rubber is

8 / 30

SAN is a polymer of

9 / 30

In the modern periodic table, the period indicates the value of

10 / 30

According to Henry's law, the mole fraction of a gas (x) dissolved in a solvent is related to the pressure of the gas

11 / 30

Which of the following steps is involved in structure detormination +A1139:D1169of nn organic compound?

12 / 30

Suppose that the rate law reaction is Rate = k [A] [B] and the initial concentration of A and B are equal. If C represents the concentration of both A and B at any time t, a straight line will be obtained if

13 / 30

The reaction of toluene with chlorine in the Pre6ence of light given

14 / 30

The absorption of light by molecules undergoing photochemical reaction generally results in

15 / 30

Cationic polymerization is initiated by

16 / 30

which of the following is the major product when neopentyl bromide is dehydrogenated with alchohlic potash?

17 / 30

Which of the following is not a naturally occurring dye?

18 / 30

The terpenoid present in oil of lemon grass

19 / 30

Which of the following has highest ionization energy'

20 / 30

The element with the highest firs: ionization potential is

21 / 30

Each of the following compound reacts with tirignard's reagent to form alkane except

22 / 30

Elementa in the same vertical group of the periodictable have same

23 / 30

Which of the following statetnents is not correct?

24 / 30

A mixture of 0.1 mole of acetic anhydride and 0.1 mol of phenylamine was warmed gently untill no further reaction occurred and then shaken for some time with water.The volume of 1.0 M NaOH solution required to neutralize the aqueous product was

25 / 30

Which of the following expressions represent the Arrhenius equation

26 / 30

reaction of ketones and alkenes in the presence of light to form oxetanes is known as

27 / 30

Which of the following is not to characteristic of a dye?

28 / 30

A chemical reaction that occurs a consequence of light absorption is called

29 / 30

cholcogens are elements of group

30 / 30

In each period, the element with tenet electron affinity belong to

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