
Quiz Hard 4


Quiz Hard 4

1 / 30

Visible light is just a portion pf radiation emitted by atoms. Which of the following statement is not related with with visible light?

2 / 30

The nearest planet to the Earth is

3 / 30

CAI stands for ……………. ?

4 / 30

They could save money if they bought __________ furniture?

5 / 30

During winter in cold countries, the __________ is mixed to melt the ice on the icy roads.

6 / 30

Central Processing Unit is combination of …..

7 / 30

He did not give up __________?

8 / 30

In an isochoric process

9 / 30

which of the following represents the behaviour of Helmholtz free energy (A) under constant volume and temperature, for spontaneous , non nspontaneous or equilibrium situation?

10 / 30

Deficiency of __________ causes loss of appetite and poor growth.

11 / 30

Neutrons were discovered by ?

12 / 30

The number of gram equivalents of the solute per dm3 of the solution is called

13 / 30

Two isotonic nucicide X and Y have mass. numbers 35 and 37 respectively. If the atomic number of X is 17 the atomic number of Y will be

14 / 30

How are the following elements arranged in the Periodic table? H, He, Li, Be and B ?

15 / 30

What is an Isotope?

16 / 30

The rays emitted by the cathod in a gas discharge tube under low pressure and high voltage of electricity are called cathod rays. Which of the following properties are not related to cathod rays.

17 / 30

Which of the following is the slowest in accessing data?

18 / 30

If Ashraf __________ earlier, he would always be on time?

19 / 30

The law which relates the solubility of a gas to its pressure is called

20 / 30

Sound waves from a loudspeaker are caused by ?

21 / 30

The salinity of sea water is determined by the amount of common salt (Sodium Chloride) in __________ of sea water.

22 / 30

The density of water is

23 / 30

For each value of l the number of m value are

24 / 30

Which from the following is NOT a conductor?

25 / 30

The fresh water on the Earth is ________ of the total water?

26 / 30

Molten rock below the surface of the Earth is called?

27 / 30

The lifespan of White Blood Cells is __________ day(s).

28 / 30

Which of the following relations between wave number (v −) , frequency (v) and speed is correct.

29 / 30

When an acid reacts with a metal carbonate, the products formed are _____________ ?

30 / 30

She __________ the driving test to get a license?

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