Quiz Easy 7 Categories Quizzes 0 Quiz Easy 7 1 / 20 Water consititutes -----% of body weight 30-50% 10-30% 70-90% 25-30% 2 / 20 Which Mughal king was deported to Rangoon after the 1857 rebellion? Shah Alam Bahadur Shah Zafar Alamgir Akbar Shah 3 / 20 Who translated in Persian Rai Tarangini of Kalhan? Ibrahim Sarhindi Maulana Sherry Abul Fazal Mulla Shah Mohammad 4 / 20 The total number of different species within an ecosystem and complexity resulting due to interactions among them is referred to as Biodiversity Dendrography Demography Diversity 5 / 20 Made in the times of Raja Bhoj an idol of Vakdevi is at present preserved in the Museum? Karachi Museum British Museum Delhi Museum Paris Museum 6 / 20 Everyone knows The Taj Mahal'. It but was built by the Emperor Shah Jahan Farida Mahal Mumtaz Mahal Toba Begu,m Jahan Mahal 7 / 20 According to the Regulatting act of 1773 established a supreme court at which place? Agra Assam Dacca Calcutta 8 / 20 The establishment of new forests in areas where no forests existed previously is termed: Reforestation Deforestation Aforestabon Forestation 9 / 20 The virus which causes Herpes zoster is same as that which causes Herpangina Herpes simplex Measles Chicken pox 10 / 20 Which districts were given to East India Company by Mr Orisim for the expenditure of the English army? all these Chittgeon Vanihman Midnapur 11 / 20 when and where did Ahmad shah Abdali finally crush down the revolt a Marhatas? 1761 Panipat 1763 Panipat 1760 Panipat 1762 Panipat 12 / 20 Duringreign of Mubarak Shah, the ruler of Malwa invaded Delhi, which was however , saved by the valiant Subedar of Lahore. Who was the Subedar of Lahore at that time? Bahlol Lodhi Sikandar Lodhi Daulat Khan Lodhi Ibrahim Lodhi 13 / 20 Timur returned to Centeral Asia, who leaving a nominee to rule to Punjab which ended the Tughlaq dynasty. Who was Timur's nominee? Alauddin Alam Shah Muhammad Shah Khizr Khan Mubarak Shah 14 / 20 Humayun joined the babur during first Battle of Panipat. From which place he came to India? Kabul Badakhshan Ferghana Kandahar 15 / 20 Endangered species are All of these Dangerous for the life of humans Reduced in number Already extinct 16 / 20 Akbar build the walled capital at Agra in: 1570 1573 1571 1572 17 / 20 Where sacred place of Sikhs Golden Temple is located? Pune Ajmer Allahabad Amritsar 18 / 20 At the time of accession to the throne. Akbar was a boy. Who was appointed as his guardian? Jalal Khan Mehr un Nisa Islam Khan Bairam Khan 19 / 20 Nasiruddin Mahamud was the son of Bahram Shah Ruknuddin Firuz Iltutmish Masud Shah 20 / 20 When Shahjahan was born? 5 January, 1594 5 January, 1591 5 January, 1593 5 January, 1592 Your score is Share: Quiz Dad Previous post Quiz Easy 6 October 1, 2022 Next post Quiz Easy 8 October 1, 2022 You may also like Quiz Hard 5 1 October, 2022 Quiz Hard 4 1 October, 2022 Quiz Hard 3 1 October, 2022