
Quiz Medium 2


Quiz Medium 2

1 / 25

Hexokinase activity in glycolysis is inhibited by

2 / 25

Fat is a?

3 / 25

Wilson's diseases is an example of ______ and Menkle's syndrome is an example of _______

4 / 25

What percentage of Earth area does water occupy?

5 / 25

Egg is rich source of nutrients except

6 / 25

Which vitamin can be produced by the body?

7 / 25

the sugar which form major component of nucleic acid is

8 / 25

Vitamins were first called accessory factors because in 1906 it was found by English biochemist______

9 / 25

All are organic nutrients but

10 / 25

Modern cars are fitted with catalytic converters. These remove carbon monoxide ,unborn hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen from exhaust gases.Which of these pollutants are removed by oxidation

11 / 25

Starch (C6H12O5)n is broken down to form glucose (C6H1206) units when hydrolyzed by

12 / 25

Sucrose is not as sweet as:

13 / 25

in calculating the fiber content of your diet , the best value to use is the

14 / 25

Sugar results after hydrolysis of

15 / 25

Legumes (dry beans) are in which Food Guide Pyramid group?

16 / 25

A low-fiber diet may lead to

17 / 25

Cellulose fibers resemble with the protien strcuture in the form of

18 / 25

Entropy of universe is always

19 / 25

Insectivorous plants are:

20 / 25

Theory of hetrogeneous catalysis is based upon phenomenon of

21 / 25

the reason that fats contain more energy then simple sugars , is fats have many more

22 / 25

The pathway in which body cells recognize LDL in the bloodstream take it up digest it and use its parts is called

23 / 25

Which of the following statements about covalently bonded molecules is false?

24 / 25

As seen in some Eskimo populations,too much of this fatty acid can lead to hemorrhagic stroke due to its tendency to decrease blood clotting:

25 / 25

Dietary imbalances cause

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