
Quiz Medium 3


Quiz Medium 3

1 / 25

A fruit is monocappelry , suprior and dehisces by one structure only

2 / 25

An inflorescence in which flowers arise from different point but reach at same punt's known as

3 / 25

Which of the following is not a function of the root?

4 / 25

Which of these historical works of art contain nanotechnology?

5 / 25

One of the followings is commonly called a homwort because of its horn-shaped sporophyte:

6 / 25

Which of the following is/are class/classes of nanorods

7 / 25

Point out the correct statement

8 / 25

The chemical score of a food:

9 / 25

Which of the following does not apply to nanotechnology?

10 / 25

The diameter of hydrogen atom is _______nm.

11 / 25

The waxy substance associated with the wall of cork cell is

12 / 25

The most toxic compounds is

13 / 25

In photoperiodic plants, which factor determine flowering?

14 / 25

The deficiency marasmus in children is caused by due to the deficiency

15 / 25

An extensive system of air tubes called tracheae is present in

16 / 25

Origin and evolution of sex in algae is best seen in

17 / 25

In one of the followings is reduced and medusa is dominant is:

18 / 25

The thermal conductivity of an SWNT along length is_______watt/(m.K)

19 / 25

The leaves of one of the followings are used to cure ringworm and skin diseases:

20 / 25

The cluster pf sterile hairs mixed with antheridia and archegonia in moss plant are called

21 / 25

Phloem of gymnosperm differ from angiosperm in

22 / 25

Egyprians were using ______ to prepare make-up for eyes.

23 / 25

Which of the following is the part of the diploid generation in the plant life cycle?

24 / 25

After fats an glycogen are consumed in case of starvation next nutrient to be consumed is

25 / 25

An essential amino acid

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